Prince2 Foundation Certification


PRINCE2® (Projects in Controlled Environments) is a well-known project management method that combines practical experience with the best practices in the field.

The PRINCE2® system is widely accepted as the go-to standard for project management, not just in the UK and Europe, but all over the world. The detailed PRINCE2® guides are printed in several languages, showing they’re useful everywhere.

Originally made for IT projects, PRINCE2® now fits a range of projects across various fields like Construction, Energy, Government, Defense, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, R&D, Product Development, and even Oil and Gas.

Today, PRINCE2® is more than just a handbook. When people say ‘we are using PRINCE2®,’ they mean they’re running projects based on its well-defined processes, elements, and techniques outlined in the guide.

Big-name companies such as Steria, HP, Airvana, Tech Mahindra, CSC, SAP Labs, SunGard, RBS, Orange FTG Group, IBM, S1 Corporation, and TCS turn to certificatewoods Consulting for training to pass the PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner exams.

We understand how important PRINCE2® Certification can be for your career. That’s why we provide a variety of training options including classroom and online courses to get you ready for the PRINCE2® Certification and set you up for success in project management.

Purpose of the PRINCE2® Foundation Certification:

This entry-level cert is all about getting to grips with PRINCE2. It proves you’ve got what it takes to understand the method and work as part of a squad handling projects in a PRINCE2-friendly atmosphere. Plus, you gotta have this one in your pocket before you can chase after the Practitioner level.

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